
The appearance of the living environment is the reflection of your heart

Our Brand

Free Space is a living brand in Canada. Since its establishment, we have served many families, and have improved their living conditions and quality of life. At the same time, we have a number of excellent organizers and professional cleaning teams to provide you with a complete guarantee for every service.

Our Value

Activating the metabolism of items and activating the potential positive energy in your heart; creating a more ideal home environment for you, so that you can truly achieve a light and comfortable life. To implement the concept of global environmental protection into our daily life.
Work is a dojo for spiritual cultivation and a stage for achievement of yourself.
Organize the household items
Activates the idea of ​​thinking
Update the method of cleaning
Create the quality of life

Our Team

Angel Nie

Career planning consultant

Minimalist Consultant

Declutter Advocate

Founder of Free Space

Director of Huilijia Media

Long-term practice of severance, and in-depth study of the concept of severance. Advocate everyone to activate the metabolism of items and activate the potential positive energy in their hearts;

Dan Ye

Marie Kondo Consultant

Declutter Advocate

Human Resource Manager

Senior Early Childhood Teacher

Free Space Business Partner

Seven years of finishing learning and practical experience. I hope to pass on the magic of tidying up my life to everyone around me. Especially in early childhood education, "influential parent-child organization" is advocated.

Selina Yu




Diana He




Selina Yu




Mei Li




Maria Gao

Senior Finisher
Image Consultant
Free Space Business Partner
Advocating the concept of minimalist life, less than enough, good enough, practice no more than 50 pieces of clothing, and advocate everyone to live in the moment and live a relaxed and comfortable life by organaze.

Alice Kou

Professional Finisher
Cost Engineer
Free Space Business Partner
The promoter of the concept of breaking apart, helping everyone to find the most suitable lifestyle for them through sorting. Going through the ocean of material to explore what the heart really cares about.

Jane Wang

Professional Finisher
Free Space Operations Director
The practitioners of renunciation and abandonment, in the process of constantly choosing and discarding items, simplify the complexity, see clearly their hearts and discover the true nature of life, so as to let go of the obsession with items.